Open Spaces Coaching

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Are you a time traveler?

A lot of times when we don’t feel safe in the present or safe in our bodies we find it safer to take our thoughts to the past and future. There is an element of safety because our minds protect us by letting us believe we have an element of control over what happened or what will happen.

For many of us, living in the present can be a challenge because we are faced with looking at exactly where we are and our true feelings and emotions, which may be tough. And by living in anywhere else but the present we don’t have to face those feelings. The truth is, facing those feelings helps us heal and move forward.

Taking small, gentle, nurturing steps to accustom yourself to the present can help. It’s a practice that takes time, patience and self-compassion. And it’s possible

Reach out for coaching sessions if you want a guide as you travel back to the present and your true self.