Open Spaces Coaching

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Continuing to learn and grow

Part of being a life coach involves continuing to learn and grow. I am proud to say in the last few months I:

- became a @NUSHU Group facilitator mentor, helping train other facilitators on this amazing group modality.
- took a 6-month course and received my Certificate of Successful Completion from the IFS (Internal Family Systems) Institute on the Foundations of the IFS Model. I am now officially designated “IFS informed.”
- completed a 3-hour course on Somatic Experiencing (SE) Basics and hope to begin my level 1 training in 2023.
- joined the 2022 ICF (International Coaching Federation) - Heartland Chapter Board of Directors as Membership Co-Chair.
- signed up for a personal coaching program involving 29029 Everesting (eek!), where I will learn more about my own personal growth to better help others (and to have fun!).

This is in addition to being a certified Martha Beck Wayfinder life coach, which involved over 9-months of training and practice coaching, as well as initially becoming certified as a NUSHU Group facilitator.

All of these steps involve improving and growing my toolkit as a coach to help my clients, which is fundamentally what matters most. I love what I do, but more importantly, I am grateful to work with and help clients see their potential, find their true selves and work with the parts of them who are grieving or feel stuck.

In the next few months, in addition to the one-on-one coaching package I offer, I also plan on hosting more workshops - both online and in person, as well as facilitate more NUSHU groups. It’s going to be a fun, fulfilling time and I hope you can join me as we all learn and grow!

Reach out if you have any questions or are interested in signing up for a coaching package or individual coaching sessions.