Open Spaces Coaching

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It’s not your job to make other people happy about your choices

How does it feel reading this post? Freeing? Scary? “Hell yes!” or “Ooh…no……?” I felt all the feels and thoughts writing it for sure!

It can be much easier to write or say than to truly believe it’s not your job to to justify your life choices to others. The truth is, if people care about you, they will support your choices - or they won’t. And BOTH are ok. What matters most is that the life choices you make for yourself are aligned with your true self, not other people’s expectations. When that happens, the magic begins and you end up worrying less about what people think because you are living in your own integrity.

For a people pleaser, it’s hard work, and takes practice, small steps, as well as removing the shame and stories that you tell yourself about making others happy and setting boundaries. And it’s totally worth it.

Set up a coaching session with me if this is something you want to work on. I’d love to help you on your journey.