Open Spaces Coaching

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It’s ok not to have it all figured out

As humans, many of us want everything tied up with a bow and life sorted out.  We want to have clear path of where our life is going and how it’s going to be.  And when that doesn’t happen - or when life takes us on a journey we didn’t expect - we get stressed and sometimes hold beliefs that we are less than, especially if we look externally.  We start comparing ourselves with others. We tell ourselves that everyone has it together except ourselves.

The big, giant secret is that NONE of us have it figured out.  Not even the most put-together appearing person out there.  ALL of us are dealing with something, struggling, feeling the feels and trying to figure it out.

Not having it all figured out is actually a gift - it gives us room to experience so many of life’s opportunities.  Not having it figured out allows for beautiful growth. Not having it figured out means you are human and actually very much ok.

Try to give yourself as much compassion as you can as you are figuring it all out.  And know you are not alone - everyone in the world is walking beside you.

If you would like help in developing more self-compassion, or talking more about navigating life, please set up a coaching session with me - I’d love to work with you!