Open Spaces Coaching

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Paying attention to glimmers creates magic

Lately I’ve been feeling more open to and aware of glimmers. Those tiny signs of safety, beauty, fun and peace. This awareness has led to some pretty magical moments of serendipitous encounters, fun ideas, creativity and expansiveness. For someone who has been in freeze off and on for years, this thawing is both exhilarating and a little yowza.

When I was feeling more stuck and processing crunchy trauma, it was really hard to see those glimmers. Our brains are naturally wired to watch for danger and what can go wrong - this is actually a great thing and it protects us. When we’re stuck, though, sometimes it’s because our brain doesn’t know that it can get off the ride and only sees the crunch in front of us - not the glimmers surrounding us.

When we’re feeling stuck, taking a moment each day to look around us and see what’s working can allow those glimmers to peek out, even if it’s just for a little while. It’s like building a muscle for glimmers. Small, tiny, glimmery steps. Over time, and as we feel more comfortable and safe, we start to naturally see glimmers more often. And the magic starts to happen.

Also understand that paying attention to glimmers is different than bypassing crunchy emotions and situations. Working through the crunch is still really important. AND you can still make room for glimmers and magic as you work through the crunch.

Have you ever had a situation where all of a sudden the world opens up showing all its serendipity and opportunity? What was happening around you? What is happening around you now that can make room for glimmers and magic?

Would you like compassionate support as you work through the crunch and build muscle for glimmers? Schedule a coaching session and let’s walk together toward your own personal magic.