Resolutions vs. intentions
Resolutions tend to be based on metrics, comparison and big leaps, all of which can set us up for feelings of failure and shame. Even the name - “resolution” - has “resolute” in it, which sounds like “should” and “have to talk”. There’s no room for self-compassion or flexibility. It feels restrictive. Resolutions are centered around “fixing” parts of you. But guess what - you’re not broken to begin with, so by setting a resolution, you’re starting your year off already thinking negatively about yourself. Eek!
Intentions are different from resolutions in that they open space for self-compassion and flexibility. Intentions feel expansive. Intentions center on creating abundance for yourself, not restriction. For instance, one of my intentions for 2023 is to make authentic connections with people. Notice I don’t have a specific number or time frame in mind. I’m not coming from a place of lack. I simply want to take small steps toward connecting with others authentically. It feels good to my system and it feels promising, kind and doable.
Here are some other examples of intentions:
I intend to be more present in conversations
I intend to travel to places I love and want to visit
I intend to honor and appreciate my body
I intend to listen to my intuition
I intend to work toward a promotion
I intend to focus on activities that I enjoy
How do the above land with you? If you were to set a New Year’s intention, what would it be?
Reach out and schedule a coaching session if you would like support on setting intentions for 2023. I’d love to help!