Setting boundaries can seem scary - and you’re worth it
The anticipation of setting boundaries can sometimes feel scary. When we’re not used to doing it, or are out of practice, it can create a lot of worry or scenarios in our heads of how it will go. Those are our protective parts trying to keep us from getting hurt and it’s can be important to acknowledge that worry and those parts with compassion - and still set the boundary.
And, when you set a boundary with self intention, aligned with your integrity, the magic happens. You get the reward of feeling really good for taking care of yourself and your needs. You may even feel peaceful, knowing you did something that was right for you.
It’s totally ok and normal to feel nervous about setting boundaries. Listen to the parts that are worried and see if you can have compassion for them. Setting boundaries takes time and practice- and it can ebb and flow as you are learning to do it. That’s all ok. And when you set a boundary, celebrate the heck out of it - it’s hard work and you’re doing it!