Open Spaces Coaching

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Taking the stigma out of your truth and reality - and learning to expand because of it

As the world is kind of opening up and we're starting to see each other more in person, I began to realize that friends I don't see often didn’t know I got divorced. Some had an inkling because I’d been posting photos that didn’t include my ex. It's weird - you don't really make a huge announcement about divorce like you do about getting married, moving, or any other larger life events because divorce typically involves some additional sadness and questions that can be sometimes difficult to ask and answer. It's not like you're trying to hide it, but there seems to be a weird cultural thing about not talking about divorce, which seems strange, because it happens to 50% + of marriages. It's a relatively normal thing that sometimes seems to be talked about in hushed corners.

So, I'm posting this to take a bit of the stigma out of it. Yeah, it sucks and it's sad in many ways, and it also doesn't suck in other ways. It's not anything I would have expected to happen and it's ok, if not really good, that it happened.

The divorce has allowed me to build and expand my coaching business, focusing on coaching people through big changes similar to what I've experienced - divorce, empty nesting, moving, figuring out next steps in life. I'm really enjoying it and it feels good to help others.

Life can be weird, changeable and unexpected. And we all have those times in our life where it's hard, as well as times when it's easy. What I'm learning now more than ever is that it's ok to be authentic without feeling shame about living life's ups and downs.

Reach out if you need extra support right now. I’m here as a coach to help.