A slight adjustment can help you see more clearly

The other day I went to my eye doctor for my yearly checkup. My contact lenses had been bothering me for a while and I felt like I was using my reading glasses as my normal glasses and just generally not seeing very well. I thought this was how it was going be from now on.

The doc did the fun game with the lens machine-y thingy (IYKYK), testing if I could see more clearly with 1 or 2, 2 or 3, etc. At the end of it, the conclusion was: my eyes had actually improved and the lenses I currently had were too strong! I needed to step back with my prescription to be able to see better. The adjustment was made and it’s wild how much better I can see close up and far away - and no more readers!

What a metaphor, right?! Sometimes we get stuck in the fuzzy and crunch of what is going on right in front of us and accept it as how it’s supposed to be. And - sometimes if we take a step back, look at the bigger picture, and adjust our view slightly, things can become clearer, brighter, and even easier.

Sometimes looking at things from different lenses provides us with the clarity we need. BOOM! 🎉😂

What is something that seems fuzzy or unclear to you at the moment? Can you look at it from another angle? Do you have other choices? If you took a step back and looked at the longer view does it change how you approach it?

Every situation is different, and every situation can have different angles, views and choices. Knowing that can give you space for more clarity to move forward.

Looking for clarity? Book a life coaching session with me!


Sitting in the crunchy allows for change and growth


Valentine’s Day is about loving yourself