Embrace the crunchy part of growth

It’s ok to embrace the crunchy part of growth! It’s not super fun when you’re at the crunchy part - AND it’s a signal that you’re on the edge of leveling up to something amazing.

I used to hate the crunch, but now when I feel it or see my clients feel it, I do a little silent happy dance because I know our brains and bodies are figuring it out. We’re doing the work to get to the other side and we’re almost there.

Keep going. The crunch smooths out. And yes, there will be other crunchy times, and over time you’ll start to learn and embrace the pattern that the crunchies are part of amazing growth.

Keep going. 💛


Loving the parts of you who feel shame will set you free


You’re going to feel both joy and grief as you create the life you want for yourself