Have curiosity around people who say you are too much of anything…

used to really deeply absorb and be upset when I was called too sensitive, too emotional or too much. It hurt, and as a people pleaser, I desperately didn’t want to upset anyone just for being me. So, those comments filled me with shame and thoughts of not being enough. Thoughts that I needed to be better to be loved and accepted. <sigh> 😔

The thing is, over time and work, I realized that when someone says you’re too much of anything it’s their opinion. And it’s usually their own feelings of discomfort and unease with a situation and not a fundamental flaw in you. In other words, it’s not about you - it’s about them. And if they say you’re too emotional or too sensitive, it’s usually their inability to hold and process their own crunchy, uncomfortable feelings. It’s usually about them trying to control their discomfort by telling you how you should and shouldn’t be, instead of having compassion and curiosity about not only your feelings and emotions, but themselves. 🤔

If someone tells you you’re too much of anything, have curiosity around their need to have and vocalize that opinion.

You get to have feelings and emotions. You get to have compassion for yourself. You are not broken and you are not too much. You are enough.✨

If you’re looking for a compassionate, supportive life coach who’s been there, schedule a coaching session with me. I have availability in my schedule.


About me


Evolving, holding space and letting go