Setting and maintaining boundaries is an evolving practice

A few days ago I was reminded of how boundaries evolve a with a good friend of mine. We’ve been friends for a long time and as our lives and roles have evolved with each other and beyond, we realized there were some boundary leaks between us. Thankfully, we have a really good friendship and we were able to chat about the situation to figure out where the boundary leaks were. We made a plan for how we could set our personal boundaries and at the same time honor each other’s boundaries and friendship going forward. Hooray us!

It doesn’t always work that way. A lot of times in friendships and relationships you don’t get to have those discussions. AND you can still set boundaries that honor your needs and wants without having to do that.

Occasional “boundary checks” can be a really helpful relationship maintenance. Remember, you get to decide what works best for you. And if you start feeling overwhelmed or resentful in a relationship, a “boundary check” may be what you need.

Want to build your boundary muscles? Schedule a free 30-minute introductory coaching session - or check out the self-paced course I offer about healthy boundaries over the holidays.


You can love others and still create loving space


The word abundance has the word “dance” in it. The word lack just has “ack.”