What would you do differently if you weren’t attached to the outcome?

Yowza. This is a question I’ve been working on myself and it’s an interesting one!

I realized I was really attached to some outcomes, specifically when it came to my coaching business and stories I had around rates and worth (ugh, money stories are the worst, right?) When I was able to step back and detach from outcomes, I started to feel….free. And that freedom created space for play, abundance, accessibility and expansion. So much so, that as of today I’m substantially lowering my coaching rates for both new and current clients. And it feels SO good.😊✨🎉

Getting to this place wasn’t easy. It’s taken time and lots of questioning, doubt, and face planting without shame to work through the crunch and break down the stories and beliefs I had. And I’m sure those stories and beliefs will still show up occasionally- and that’s ok. It’s all part of being human. Being able to detach from outcomes and hold self compassion for myself go hand in hand.

Are you finding it hard to detach from an outcome? What do you believe will happen if you let go? If you can picture totally detaching yourself from the outcome, how does it feel not to have that belief anymore? Exploring those questions can give you some insight and potential space forward.

And if you’re looking for compassionate guidance as you navigate through the crunch, schedule a coaching session with me. I offer supportive coaching at accessible rates.


Connection, safety and love


Working through the long, tedious steps of growth