Where does perfectionism take a break in your life?
I love to bake. And given my perfectionist tendencies you’d think it would transfer over to my breads, cakes, and cookies. However, that’s not the case. I like to call myself a “rustic” baker.😂
When I bake, the only outcome I care about is if it tastes good. Appearance doesn’t matter at all. It can be mushed up, lopsided – it doesn’t matter. And if I’m trying something new and it doesn’t work out or taste ok – well, I can pitch it, start again, or choose to try something else.
Wouldn’t it be great to transfer that non-perfectionist mojo and thoughts over to the other more perfectionist leaning areas of my life?!🤔
I’ve started to allow myself to be curious about what makes baking more freeing or safe so that being perfect isn’t necessary. Part of what I’ve discovered is that baking is like play for me. There are no rules, it’s just tactile, tasty fun. I also have a lot of choice an agency when I bake, which allows for the fun. Being curious has allowed me to see that there may be space and areas in other parts of my life where I can take small steps to introduce more choice, play and fun. And, as always, it’s a process.
Are there places in your life where your perfectionism takes a break? What are they? Can you be curious about what is different about those situations versus others? Are there small steps can you take to incorporate what you’ve learned?
Perfectionism can be a very hard-wired mindset. You learned it to keep you safe. So, be gentle and compassionate with yourself as you unlearn it. There are no rules or timeline or way to do it right. Keep fostering curiosity and take small steps at your own pace. Keep being curious about where you have space for play. That may hold the answers to help you move forward.
If you are looking for a compassionate guide as move forward, I’d love to support you. Schedule a life coaching session with me.