You don’t need to figure out who you are all at once
A lot of times, and especially when we are starting to work on ourselves, we want to hurry up and have all the answers, and get to our true selves as quickly as possible. I know when I first started, I believed I’d have myself all figured out in a couple of months. Hmmm….. Even now there are parts of me who want to jump ahead and get there - whatever “there” is.
The truth is, the slower we go, the more we have time to observe, feel and learn. A lot of times when we try to rush, we want to bypass the feelings that are necessary to heal and grow. And those difficult feelings are oftentimes the only way through to get the next level or where you want to be. Sometimes it’s rough and oftentimes afterwards it’s revealing and amazing.
See if you can take your time. Be curious about the parts of you who want to rush through. Usually they are trying to protect in some ways that may have been helpful in the past, but are less helpful now. See if you can have compassion for those parts and let them know you’ve got this. And see if you can go as slowly and gently as possible for yourself and for them.
There is no true end to learning more about ourselves and the world, which is pretty cool and keeps life interesting. Keep going, keep learning and take as much time as you and your parts need. You’re doing great.