Your needs matter

Many of us have the limiting belief that our needs don’t matter. We gaslight ourselves into thinking that other people are more important than we are and that it’s more important that they are happy. When we have these beliefs, we are doing ourselves a huge disservice because our needs DO matter. There is no shame having these beliefs - we have been conditioned by different experiences to have these beliefs and are learned. The great news is that we can unlearn them.

There have been many times I have put other people’s needs before my own when I didn’t want to. It has taken time to relearn self-compassion and boundaries. Over time I have learned to be more compassionate toward myself and others. It’s definitely a practice - and it’s been worth it.😊

Taking the small step of telling yourself that you matter can create small shifts. Observe how it feels in your body. Initially it may feel strange or you may have thoughts pushing back with old messaging. That’s ok. It’s a process. Have compassion for the part of you who feels it can’t take up space. If you were to help a friend who was feeling unseen, what would you say to them? Can you say the same to yourself? And if you can, observe how it feels when you talk to yourself as a friend. Many times allowing some compassion for yourself and the parts who feel stuck can slowly open a space for a shift.

Unlearning a limiting belief can take time and practice and is totally normal. Taking small steps in honoring yourself and your needs is a wonderful gift to give yourself. When you take it slowly, over time you will start to notice small shifts toward giving yourself space to been seen and heard. You are worth it.


Asking for what you want is not needy - it’s communicating your needs


Mourning relationships ending and celebrating new beginnings