Your worth is not based on what you do, produce or achieve

Most of us live in a culture or society where what we do, achieve or produce is more important than who we are as humans. We reach and strive for success based on a definition set by loved ones, family, schools or work. And many of us don’t check in with ourselves to see if that’s the type of success we actually want. Because when we get praise / reward for doing a good job versus being a good person / following our desires, the former becomes our measure of success - even if it’s not ours. I’m not saying that winning a race, making lots of money or achieving a certain type of success is not ok. All of those things can be amazing. I’m saying that our motivation for wanting those things is often based on what others want from us, not what we want for ourselves. And thinking about what we really want for ourselves can be scary when we’re not used to taking a step back and having curiosity for what that is and can be. Or scary if we know it’s different than what it’s “supposed” to be. Or scary if we feel we’ll lose that external praise from others that we’re used to.

What if your worth was based simply on being a damn fine human who has feelings and struggles, joys and setbacks? That you are YOU and that’s enough. That’s the prize. How does that feel in your body when you you think about it that way? Is it freeing? Is it scary? Be curious and if you can, appreciate the awesome human you ARE right now. That’s worth a lot.✨🎉

What are your thoughts? Comment below. ✨
If you want to explore this more deeply for yourself, set up a coaching session with me. I’m here for you. 💛


Change and transformation, whether it’s good or bad, usually includes some grief


Glimmers create small shifts and a way forward