Open Spaces Coaching

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You’ve been through a lot. And you are going to be ok.

This past year has been a lot. Lots of changes. Lots of transitions. Grief, sadness, loss. Happiness, love, truth. Most of us have modified our lives in big and small ways. Some ways for the better; some ways not what we wanted, wished for or expected. 

It’s ok to acknowledge it’s been a lot for you. It’s ok to feel overwhelmed even as things are starting to settle for you. It’s ok to feel overwhelmed even as things are not settling for you. There are no “shoulds” when it comes to change. There are no “shoulds” on how to feel or what to do. It’s your story and your truth and no one else’s. All of it is valid.

I’ve experienced it. The loss, the sadness, the fear, the joy, the grief. For me, parts of this past year have seemed relentless, scary, unbearable and very difficult. And some parts have been freeing, honest and authentic. And all parts of this past year or so have been real and true. 

Any type of change - positive and negative - takes time to adjust and heal. We heal in small steps. The steps are sometimes ugly and terrifying and sometimes beautiful and joyful. Taking these small steps gently heals and moves us forward toward our authentic self.

You are going to be ok. You are understood. Continue to take the small steps for you. Keep validating your truth. 

If you want help navigating the changes in your life, schedule a coaching session with me. I’m here to help.