You are valuable

This can be one of the hardest things to believe after you leave a narcissistic-leaning relationship. That you can set down the exhausting daily work of trying to make someone else happy (who generally won’t be) and begin to understand how valuable you are as a person.💛

It took me years to understand that I’m a valuable human simply for being me - not for what I was told I needed to chase to be valued. It was (and sometimes still is) super hard to sit in the discomfort that I may not be making other people happy for doing what matters to me. For having different feelings or opinions. It’s really crunchy- and I know that as I build and create a safe, strong, compassionate life for myself I get to choose what’s valuable to me - including myself, my needs and my wants.

It’s a process to reclaim yourself, to remember what you really like and believe. It takes small, kind, compassionate baby steps to get back to you. And it’s possible.✨

And as you slowly walk back to yourself, continue to gently remind yourself of your worth and value, even if at the start it’s really small. Listen to that deep inner voice who 💯 believes in you. You got this.💛💪🏼

I compassionately support people heal, empower and rediscover themselves as they come out of narcissistic-leaning relationships. Schedule a consultation session to learn more. The link is HERE


You get to celebrate and heal


Shame and moving forward