Shame and moving forward
Don't let the feelings of shame you may feel after leaving a narcissistic-leaning relationship hold you back from moving forward. Remember: the shame feelings, beliefs and thoughts aren't even yours. They are remnants of the relationship you're leaving behind. You don't have to believe those stories anymore.
It makes sense if you have feelings of shame and thoughts of “should haves” as you start to heal from narcissistic-leaning relationships. And…
You didn’t know then what you know now. There’s no shame there - only love for the parts of you who kept you safe and holding on.
The “should haves” are part of your old conditioning when you were in the relationship. You were trained to think it was your fault - it wasn’t.
You don’t have to believe the untrue stories anymore. You get to choose your truth now. The one’s about your strength, resilience and courage. The ones about your kindness and ability to love. The truth about your deep compassion and self-love parts of you have always deep down believed and held on to because that’s really the truth. That’s why you’re here now.
It takes small, slow steps to dismantle the shame stories, so don’t rush - be curious as to what really is your own truth, not theirs. Have compassion and love for the confusion you feel as you are untangling yourself from their stories.
There’s nothing shameful about being you. You’re amazing. 💛
I compassionately support you as you heal, empower and rediscover yourself as you come out of narcissistic-leaning relationships. Schedule a consultation session to learn more. The link is HERE.