Being a good girl kept you safe; it also kept you from being you (no shame)

Shout out to the good girls. You are amazing and resilient. I’m a recovering good girl too and I see you. 👋

It’s emotional work and stress being a good girl. We hide our true selves for so many reasons - the majority of them to keep us safe in some way. And deep down we have big dreams of who we could be if we let go. That’s a lot to carry. And as an adult you can choose to set it down.

Absolutely no shame here. You make sense. You have so many younger parts who love you deeply and kept you safe for many reasons. Love on those parts big time.

And at the same time you can take small, curious and compassionate steps as adult toward the things you’ve always wanted to do or be. It takes time and some breaking down of old beliefs- and it’s totally worth it.

Ann really, there’s really no such thing as a good or bad girl. There’s simply you, your wants and desires. And it’s totally ok to be simply you. 💛

Need a compassionate guide to help you lovingly dismantle your good girl beliefs and walk toward the things in life you’ve always wanted? Schedule a coaching session with me.


You are worthy of taking up space


Choice + consent = safety, space & trust