Open Spaces Coaching

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If you’re carrying the weight of something emotionally heavy, see if you can imagine what it would feel like to put it down just for a moment.

We can carry emotionally heavy thoughts, worries, or concerns. Over time, these thoughts can start to feel physically heavy, as well. When I’ve been in this situation, I’ve been able to feel the weight of the issues in my shoulders, neck and back - almost as if I’ve been physically carrying around the issue, too.

What would it feel like to imagine setting down that heavy thought or worry for a minute or two? Can you give yourself permission to do it? And if you can, how does it feel in your body when when you can set it down for a moment, knowing it’s ok to pick it back up when you need to?

Sometimes small imagery exercises like this can create space for heavy feelings and emotions. It’s not necessary to release the heavy feelings - and knowing you can set them down and rest for even a moment can bring some relief.

Schedule coaching sessions with me if you’d like to work on this imagery or other imagery to open spaces and move forward.