Instead of celebrating achieving, what would happen if you celebrated being?
I see you, overachievers and people pleasers! Even when in writing this post, I had parts of me tapping me on the shoulder saying “Simply BEING?? What BS is that?” (as you can see, my high achieving parts are very loud and like to swear - A LOT)
Sigh. Yes, taking moments to celebrate simply being can be counter to our stories of do, do, do. Counter to our stories and need to want to be seen, heard and loved. It can feel super scary to just sit in being with yourself, especially when you’ve been conditioned that doing and achieving equals love and belonging.
Taking a step back to honor and celebrate ourselves for simply being requires that we slowly shift our stories that it is ok to rest; it’s ok to slow down. To shift the stories that we are badass and amazing even without doing and going constantly. That it is ok and encouraged to sit and simply acknowledge that we exist.
If taking some time to slow down and celebrate you for you seems super uncomfortable, it makes total sense. Be kind to the parts of you who believe it’s not true. They’ve spent a long time protecting you by achieving and doing. Take it slowly - it is not an achievement in itself to acknowledge you matter. It is simply a matter of being.
Hooray for you!