Lean into the discomfort of feeling restless

Feeling restless or untethered can feel really uncomfortable. Many times it can be a signal that something is ready to change - it can mean that where you are right now in your life isn’t fitting - kind of like wearing and itchy sweater or sitting in a uncomfortable chair. You wiggle around and try and get comfortable where you are, but your body is telling you it’s not happening. When that happens we can choose to ignore the discomfort, get rid of the discomfort or be curious about the discomfort. All three or valid, and one can give us a lot of information to help us.

Many times we want push the uncomfortable feelings aside without really feeling them for the very fact that they are uncomfortable. However, feeling through the discomfort can actually help us find our truth.

When you are feeling restless or untethered, see if you can lean into and have curiosity about those uncomfortable feelings. What is it that you are feeling untethered about? What is an area in your life you are feeling dissatisfaction? Is that tied to your feeling of restlessness? Write it down or talk to someone about it. See what comes up and feel the yucky feelings. The more open can be about what you are feeling and the more you can process the feelings associated with the restlessness, the closer your’ll get to your truth.

If you are feeling restless and want to process why, reach out via DM or my website schedule coaching sessions or packages.


“Play is the thing”- Shakespeare (kind of)


Letting go doesn’t mean you invalidate what you’ve been through