Making small shifts in self talk can create big shifts in moving forward
It’s amazing how much words and what you say to yourself matter. For a day or two see if you can gently observe how often you say “I should” or “I have to.” Try not to shame yourself if you find you’re saying it a lot - most of us have a pattern of doing this. See if you can thank the parts of you who feel they need to say that and ask what they need from you. The answers may surprise you. Then see if you can shift your should’s and have to’s to “I get to’s” and “I want to’s.” How does it feel when you do that? Does it feel more expansive? If yes, play around with what words feel expansive to you. What words move you forward? Can you incorporate those in your daily self talk?
Small practices like these may not seem a lot, and you’d be surprised how much switching a few words can shift your brain forward. What words do you use to help you move forward?