Rest. Reset. Regenerate. Repeat.

When you rest, you are telling yourself you are worthy and you matter. You are letting your inner child parts know that you are taking care of them. You are allowing space for your mind and body to settle and expand. You are resting and regenerating parts of you that need a break.

I’ll be honest with you - the last few years have been a lot, as they probably have been for you, too, and the other day I realized I haven’t truly rested for a very long time. I am giving myself permission to take time to rest this month. It was actually really emotional to truly allow myself and my inner child parts this space. The untrue story I carry says that if I’m not constantly working on something then I am lazy, I will fail or things will fall apart. This is based on a lot of conditioning and trauma. My true self knows that this story is completely untrue, but my inner child parts believe it with a passion - and yet they desperately want to rest, too. So we are all going to work together to give ourselves the rest we need to reset, regenerate and show that it is safe to do so.

What are your stories about working and resting? Can you give yourself and your parts space to rest? This can seem very scary if you your story is that there is danger in resting. Take your time and honor your feelings and listen you your body.


Giving everything to others leaves nothing for yourself


Grieving what you don’t have can make room for what you can have.