Giving everything to others leaves nothing for yourself

A lot of us recovering people pleasers have had limiting beliefs or stories around the need to give all of ourselves to others in order to be loved or wanted. The issue is that when we do that, we also give up our own needs and our own desires. We end up exhausted and many times resentful and upset toward the people we have given everything to. More important, we forget who we truly are.

Doing one small thing for yourself each day can help show you and your inner parts that your needs matter. It doesn’t have to be a big thing. In fact, as you’re starting this practice, the smaller the better, so that you don’t overwhelm your system. Setting small boundaries as to what you are not willing to do anymore can also help. Remember to take it slowly and gently. It’s not going to be perfect as you learn and that’s also ok.

It’s ok to give yourself what you need. You matter.


Our stories can keep us small or can help us evolve into our big, wonderful selves


Rest. Reset. Regenerate. Repeat.