Self-care for parents of kids heading to college

If you’re sending your child off to college for the first time this fall and are struggling with the transition, this small group coaching opportunity limited to 10 participants is for you.

During this series, you will:
- connect with a supportive, encouraging group of parents who are going through a similar experience
- learn to approach this exciting and emotional time with confidence - for yourself and your new college student
- formulate a communication plan with your child and establish healthy expectations for everyone
- learn to create boundaries that benefit both you and your college student
- receive tools and guidance on how to nurture yourself and support your own needs
- navigate your child’s first holiday season back with ease
- have a plan to begin a fun, new, exciting phase of your life (you get a new adventure too!)

Click here for more info:


Your truth shows itself when you sit quietly and allow the noise to fade


Setting boundaries can seem scary - and you’re worth it