Your truth shows itself when you sit quietly and allow the noise to fade

Easier said than done! The truth can be a difficult thing to face. And there are parts of us who love us so much they protect us from the truth because they don’t want us to feel hurt or pain as we make our way to our truth or our true selves. So they keep the noise going with thoughts or keep us busy. Finding compassion for those amazing parts of us can help open the door to move a little bit forward.

Don’t be hard on yourself if you are at that place. Sitting quietly and being able to listen to your heart and your true self takes practice, patience and time. Having compassion for your protective parts also takes practice, patience and time.

And the truth is there and waiting for you when your self is ready. ❤️


Grief comes in many shapes and sizes and all are valid


Self-care for parents of kids heading to college