The uneasiness of slowing down

Hi there! How’s 2024 been going for you? 

For me it already seems like it’s been a lot! 2024 started out pretty frenetically with a training, sending my kiddos back to college and dealing with some arctic cold weather. This past weekend was the first time I felt things start to settle.

I noticed myself fighting the feeling to want to keep moving AND the absolute need to slow down, rest and process all the things that have being going on the past few weeks. Yesterday, my body basically let me know that the only way I could spend my Saturday was snuggling with my dogs and bingeing Netflix. And wow was that so needed! I feel like a new person today! 

Sometimes we can feel really overwhelmed - even when it’s really good stuff. And that type of overwhelm can even be harder to hold and process. It can take extra time and space to allow yourself to slow down and check in with how you’re feeling because we want to keep riding the good, but overwhelming stuff. Life naturally moves back and forth, though, and it’s important to give ourselves time to rest as well as celebrate and be in the good stuff.

Slowing down can also feel REALLY uncomfortable, especially when you’ve been going full-steam for a long time. It can bring up crunchy feelings of shoulds, have-to’s and rules about what it means to rest. A lot of us have been conditioned to keep moving at all costs - even if it’s not good for us. Try offering yourself self- compassion and giving yourself permission to slow down - even if it’s in small bites. Over time your brain and body will sense that it’s safe to take time for yourself.

Slowing down can also bring up super crunchy feelings that all that non-stop activity has been protecting you from feeling - like grief, sadness or anger. The notion is that if you keep moving you don’t have to deal with the feelings or discomfort. Know that this makes complete sense. Thank those parts who are protecting you. And see if you can have gentle curiosity about what slowing down would mean.

Here are three ideas to take small steps toward rest and slowing down:

  • Visit your local coffee shop and sit there instead of ordering to-go. Notice what happens around you. What comes up for you?

  • Put your phone and watch in another room for 5 minutes and sit comfortably with your eyes closed or gently open. If you feel you need to move, let your body do what it needs to do. Notice what feelings come up.

  • Go for a short walk without headphones. Choose to notice each step you take and feel your feet as they touch the ground. Or notice the different sounds you hear as you walk and choose to focus on one that feels good to you.

Are there other ideas you can add that resonate for you?

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