Thoughts and curiosity about procrastination

esterday after two years I learned my house wasn’t going to fall down.😂

Some context- I moved two years ago during the big, intense housing rush, where if you bought a house you agreed to waive most inspections. So, like a lot of people who bought houses during that time, I learned a lot about what my house needed repaired after I bought it.

One thing that I kept putting off was checking was my house’s foundation. My house is a squeaky 100 years old and its basement has seen a lot. It leaks a little, it’s a little crumbly and for almost two years I would go down to do laundry I would tell myself I need to get it checked out.

And then I wouldn’t do anything. And at every week I would go downstairs and say the same thing and do nothing. I was in full procrastination/freeze mode with my basement.

It took a while, and over time I began to feel less shamey with the shoulds and more compassionate about wondering why I wasn’t moving forward. And it turned out there was a part of me that was really overwhelmed and didn’t want to add one more repair to the house. And this one seemed really scary. Which made total sense. I slowly gave that part of me more compassion and over time it felt safe to research foundation companies. Then a little later make phone calls. Then a little later make the appointment. Small steps toward getting unstuck.

I was ready to do any repairs but it was more fun to do a whole body happy dance after the engineer told me everything was ok. 🎉

Procrastinating makes sense. No shame. It’s our body’s way of telling ourselves something doesn’t feel safe to us. It’s ok to have compassion and kindness towards those feelings and the parts you who feel stuck. Listen to the gentle why’s and then you can start taking small steps forward.✨

Need some compassionate support as you work through some crunchy, stuck spots? I have availability in my coaching schedule.


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