Trust the small voice in your head that says you are worthy
We get so many messages from external sources about who and what we should be. Many times, and especially if we have people pleasing tendencies, we listen and believe what we hear, without checking in with ourselves to see if it’s true. And often the house external sources can overtake our own true beliefs about ourselves.
There is no shame in this. Our conditioning to please can run deep and for many of us and it becomes part of our survival mode. Be curious and have compassion and gratitude for the parts of you who love you so much to protect you.
At the same time, take small moments to listen to that small voice that tells you you are worthy. That is your true self speaking the truth to you. It’s ok if you can only take a moment to hear that voice. Simply recognizing it is there is enough. Eventually, if you continue to take small moments to recognize that voice, it will want to show itself more to you and you will slowly begin to see the truth in what it is saying: You are worthy.
If you are wanting to build a deeper relationship with your true self, I have coaching sessions and packages available.