What’s something you learned yesterday that you can bring forward today?
Our brains and bodies are constantly taking in information. And many times we go about our day not realizing all the amazing things they are taking in because we are feeling stuck.
A fun thing to do is to think back to the day before and ask yourself what you learned. Chances are there is something there, whether it's "I put a different cheese on my sandwich and it tastes delicious" or "I said no to something I didn't want to do and it worked out." Yesterday I personally learned that the days I take a yoga class I end up sleeping so much better than I usually do.
There are no wrong answers - simply recognizing that there was something out there that you noticed and learned is enough.
The next step is asking yourself if can you bring forward what you learned yesterday to today. Maybe it's "Yes! I will try many different cheeses on my sandwiches!" or "I will remember it was ok saying no and I will try again when another situation comes up." For me, I'm going to try to incorporate more stretching on the days I don't have yoga class to see if I get the same good sleep result.
Learning something new about yourself and what works for doesn't have to be a mind blowing experience. It can be the small things that bring the biggest benefit.
Reach out if you want to explore this more in a coaching session.