When you are chosen, you also have choice…
Many times when pursuing new relationships or opportunities we get so excited about being chosen, that we forget we have a choice, too. This can potentially blindsight us from being able to look at these relationships or opportunities with a clear perspective. This can also occur in relationships or situations we are already in, believing that since we've been chosen, we should feel grateful, without considering our needs and choices.
Some of us were raised to think our worthiness was wrapped up in being chosen, without us being able to consent or choose for ourselves. So, our patterns are to chase and achieve, without taking time to see if what we are chasing or achieving is what we really want for ourselves.
Remember you get to choose, too.
I know I can get really excited when a new opportunity comes along. My first impulse is to say yes immediately. And then I step back. I tell myself I don’t have to say yes. I ask myself if this is something I choose and consent to do. Knowing and telling myself I have choice allows me to look at the situation from a more centered place.
What happens when you have the thoughts, “I have choices” and “I get to choose, too”? Do you feel lighter or less restricted? Do other stories pop up about choice and consent? See if you can play with those thoughts and feelings and know you can choose what works best for you.
***There are some relationship situations where choice is currently not an option. This post is not about those situations. Take care of yourself the best way you can.