Thoughts about the outgoing and incoming new year

As we say goodbye to 2021 move into 2022….  

For me, 2021 was a year of loss, major life changes and processing the grief that went with it all.  It was hard, and sometimes it seemed like the feelings of sadness, hurt and grief would never end.   


 2021 was a year of new beginnings, new ways of looking at life, and new opportunities.  I learned a lot about love, boundaries, moving through hard things, relationships and myself.  I learned how to be more self-compassionate, and what it means to take care of myself without feeling shame. 

As we enter 2022, I am learning to listen more to my body and make room for play, fun and rest.  I am learning to honor the boundaries I set for myself and others. I’m learning that the yin and yang of life happens together and it’s ok to feel both joy and pain simultaneously - that life can be really hard and really wonderful at the same time.

What did you learn in 2021?  What are you continuing to learn and take with you into 2022?

Here’s to 2022 with all it may offer and teach us.  And here’s to you for continuing to learn and grow and navigate the yin and yang of life.  I am grateful to be a life coach and I appreciate and hope to work with you soon! 


When you are chosen, you also have choice…


Setting a New Year’s resolution is a choice, not a “have to”