You matter

Asking for what you want and need is not selfish. It’s taking care of yourself and vocalizing what matters to you. It’s stepping into your autonomy and power. It’s taking care of your inner children and your current self. It’s healthy.

When someone continuously minimizes your needs, competes with your needs, or turns it around so that it minimizes your needs and maximizes theirs, it tends to be about power, control, and conditioning. It’s not healthy. And after receiving this behavior over time, it makes sense that you would feel less than and selfish for wanting or needing what’s important to you.

And it’s not true. It takes time to remember and believe in your core it’s not true. It takes small steps to grieve and rebuild the beliefs that you matter and are worthy - to relearn self-compassion. To remember that you matter. And you’re allowed to take those steps for yourself. That is what’s true. 💛

I’ve been there and it sucks. And I know there is hope and possibility on the other side. You 💯 matter and are not selfish for wanting that.💛


You get to reclaim the things you lost in survival mode


You can’t change people who are high on the narcissistic spectrum